Implant Dentures

Older woman pointing to flawless smileThe loss of even a single tooth can cause serious oral health concerns, including shifting of teeth out of alignment, additional tooth loss due to damage caused by excess pressure on teeth, and loss of bone density and gum tissue volume. When patients lose numerous teeth or a full row of teeth, even the simplest daily task like speaking, eating a meal, or even smiling can be a challenge. Traditionally, numerous teeth are replaced using removable partials and full dentures, but these solutions only restore the parts of teeth visible above the gum line. For those patients interested in a longer lasting and more natural looking and feeling restoration option, an implant retained partial or full dentures from our dedicated Plattsburgh periodontist and team may be just what you need. If you want to find out more, call Adirondack Periodontics to schedule a dental implant supported denture tooth replacement consultation with us today.

Partial Dentures

Inside view of implant partial denture

Partial dentures fill in the gaps in patients’ smiles when they’ve lost several consecutive and nonconsecutive teeth. Partials are crafted using a gum-colored base material to support numerous healthy teeth. The prosthetic is held in place with two to four dental implant posts in most cases.

Full Dentures

Model of implant denture

Full dentures are also crafted using a gum colored base to support a full row of teeth. We can typically support an entire denture with just four to six implant posts.

Dental Implant Placement

The first step of the dental implant supported denture process is the surgical placement of your implant posts. After your implants are placed, it will take several months for them to fuse with the supportive bone and gum tissue. During this time, we may recommend a temporary, removable partial or denture. Once your implants have fully fused with the smile line, we’ll design and affix a custom partial or full denture, recreating your healthy, beautiful smile.

Benefits of Implant Dentures

Dentist showing patient an implant denture model

No dental treatment is right for every patient. If we determine implant supported dentures are the right option to restore your smile, you can expect to experience a number of benefits, including:

  • Improved stability – traditional dentures only repair about 20% of chewing ability, but implant retained prosthetics replace 70% or more natural chewing function, allowing patients to eat a wider range of foods.
  • Longevity – partial and full dentures need to be replaced every five to ten years, but an implant retained denture can last for two decades or longer with proper care.
  • Better oral health – because implants provide the stimulation necessary to maintain healthy gum and jawbone tissue, these restorations offer improved oral health.
  • Natural look and feel – restoring teeth from the roots up, dental implants look, feel, and function more like healthy, natural smiles.

Caring for Your Implant Denture

Once your implant supported partial or full denture is in place, it’s easy to brush your new teeth just like you would a natural smile. We recommend using a soft toothbrush and minimally abrasive toothpaste to avoid wearing down the restoration materials. In order to prevent plaque and tartar buildup between the denture and gum line, it may be necessary for patients to use an air or water flosser. Our team might also recommend you use an antimicrobial mouth rinse to reduce the numbers of plaque-producing oral bacteria and keep your smile healthy.