Bone Grafting

Bone Grafting Reverses Resorption Before Implantation

If you think that the appearance of your smile is strictly based on how your teeth look, then think again. Of course, an attractive smile needs white and well-shaped teeth, but you must also have healthy gums and a strong jawbone to hold your teeth in place. If you should happen to lose a tooth because of a large cavity, periodontal disease, traumatic injury or extraction, then bone tissue could begin to deteriorate. A tooth replacement—whether you choose a dental implant, partial or denture—needs a sturdy jawbone. That’s why bone grafting in Plattsburgh may be necessary.

What is a Bone Graft?

man smiling in mirror

Bone grafting is a procedure that is sometimes required in order to maintain the shape and size of the alveolar ridge, or gum ridge, after you’ve had a tooth removed or it has been lost. If you lost teeth some time ago, then bone grafting also may be needed to rebuild bone that has shrunk due to absent teeth roots. This additional bone may be the preliminary step if you want to have dental implants in Plattsburgh to replace your missing teeth.

Bone Grafting After Tooth Loss

implanted post in smile

If you have been missing one or more teeth for a while, then chances are there has been some bone resorption. This means that bone tissue has deteriorated. Prior to tooth loss, the roots of your teeth stimulated the bone every time you would bite and chew. In their absence, bone simply melted away.

In this case, a periodontist will surgically remove a small piece of bone from another area of your mouth and use it to rebuild the lost bone. Freeze dried bone from a cadaver also may be used.

Bone Graft After Tooth Extraction

woman pointing to smile

If you are going to have a tooth pulled, then the extraction site may need to be filled with freeze-dried human bone granules. The site is covered with a thin membrane and sutured shut. Healing takes about four to six weeks, if you are planning to have a full or partial denture. However, if you would like dental implants or implant-retained dentures, then you will need to wait four to six months before the new bone tissue will be ready to hold and support an implant.

What Are the Benefits of Bone Grafting?

older man smiling

A bone graft restores bone density and volume. This way, you’ll have more choices for replacing your missing teeth. Even if you are missing only one tooth, your appearance and oral health can be affected significantly. Remaining teeth may drift, thereby changing your bite. Furthermore, the absence of one tooth increases your risk of decay in other teeth as well as periodontal disease. Therefore, with the assurance of successful bone grafting from a periodontist, you can choose the tooth replacement that suits you best.