Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Davis and the rest of our team understand that pursuing periodontal treatment can feel overwhelming at times. You may have questions or concerns about what to expect and what certain services can accomplish for your oral health. Below, you’ll find several of the questions our team receives on a regular basis and their respective answers. If the information you’re looking for isn’t below, you are always welcome to contact Adirondack Periodontics directly here in Plattsburgh, NY.

How do I know if I have periodontal disease?

While no two cases of periodontal disease are identical, there are some common symptoms that patients should be aware of. If you are experiencing any of the following on a regular basis, don’t hesitate to contact us for further assistance:

  • Oral bleeding that occurs when the patient is brushing and flossing
  • Gum tissue that is very tender to the touch
  • Gum tissue that seems excessively red in color (healthy gum tissue is pink) and swollen
  • Serious bad breath that lingers even after practicing oral hygiene
  • A shift in the way your bite or certain teeth feel
  • Teeth that appear longer over time/a gum line that’s noticeably recessed

Is periodontal disease dangerous?

While periodontal disease may start out seeming like a mild annoyance, untreated cases can quickly grow to threaten a patient’s healthy smile and their overall wellbeing. Advanced periodontitis results in the deterioration of healthy bone and will eventually cause natural teeth to be lost. Additionally, while research is ongoing, several studies have suggested a link between periodontal disease and serious health problems like diabetes, heart disease, and strokes. Pursuing treatment as soon as possible is highly recommended!

Why are dental implants the right choice for tooth replacement?

While traditional restorations only rebuild the white crown portion of your natural tooth, dental implants start by providing a new tooth root within the gums and bone. The implant itself will form a strong bond with your natural tissue, making the new “tooth” a healthier, more stable part of your smile that should last for decades.

Why should I go to a periodontist for dental implants?

Periodontists are dental specialists who focus on the oral tissues that form your smile’s essential support system and have undergone multiple years of additional training to become the true experts in this type of treatment. Unlike general dentists, periodontists are very familiar with all of the complications that can arise when placing dental implants and can ensure a higher rate of success for the procedure. They can also prevent peri-implantitis, which is a form of periodontal disease that attacks the healthy gum and bone material that’s formed around placed implants. Dr. Davis will help your smile (including the implant-retained teeth) remain functional, confident, and free of infection.

My teeth look really short. Can you help?

Yes. Excessive gum tissue is a common problem that many patients face, causing significant cosmetic concerns and restorative difficulties. Dr. Davis offers crown lengthening as an effective method for reshaping the natural gum line and revealing beautiful dental structure that was unnecessarily hidden before.

Why do you use dental lasers? Are they safe?

Our team uses LANAP® technology for all applicable periodontal procedures, which is a tried-and-true tool that’s been cleared by the FDA and supported by countless studies all over the world. The focused wavelength of the laser is much more precise than a typical scalpel, and its sterilizing nature will minimize post-operative symptoms and even encourage the development of new, healthy oral tissue. Dr. Davis prioritizes your comfort and safety here in Plattsburgh, and we are proud to offer this state-of-the-art technique for our patients’ benefit.

Do you take dental insurance?

Our team is happy to file dental insurance claims on your behalf and help you maximize the reimbursements that are available to you through our knowledgeable efforts. To learn more about available payment options, please visit our new patients page.